Top 10 Worst Suggestions


#1 - “Flashbang someone for $1,” by Zero.

This is the WORST idea EVER. Basically, you pay $1 to make someone’s layout white ONE TIME. This is terrible because some people already have the light layout, and people with epilepsy could get seizures, causing a possible LAWSUIT to the Leaked team.

#2 - “snippet section,” by Felix.

This would make a new section in the site for snippets. This is stupid because this is a LEAK website, and that’s what discussion is for, to discuss about any new music snippets that may be for sale, or already online.

#3 - “Avicii Prefix,” by SwedeMix.

I don’t even need to tell you why this is stupid. WHEN THE FUCK HAS AVICII MUSIC EVER LEAKED, AND EVEN IF IT HAS, WHO HAS GIVEN A FUCK???

Exactly, nobody, and that’s why this suggestion is stupid.

#4 - “Block button,” by me.

Yes, i’m sorry to you and myself. This was a horrible idea. The ignore button works perfectly fine and there’s many ways to avoid certain users that you may hate. You can ignore me if you want, it’s that easy.

#5 - “Clans (Monthly Payment),” by MarioBELEAUA.

With six total downvotes, this suggestion is HORRIBLE. Who the fuck wants clans? Nobody! Why would a person that’s not high as a kite pay $50/mo. or $200 as a one-time payment for a group chat??? That’s what DM’s are for! On top of this, ranks were also thought of, just like the Clash games. Terrible and extremely useless idea.

#6 - “❤️ Reaction,” by Phan.

This is not facebook. Thumbs up, clown and laughing emojis is all we need. Not terrible, but insanely useless. Show love in the comments.

#7 - “Password reset for anyone who has no logged in in the past month,” by snowsquire.

This idea is horrible. Not everyone checks the site daily. Some people take breaks without deactivating. Some people don’t have enough unique passwords that they can remember their login for this site. And it’d be horrible for the next idea.

#8 - “let us have the banned names,” by ethan.

Let’s say the previous idea existed. Most likely, with that system, you would get banned if you didn’t change your password after being prompted a few dozen times. Your name is then gone because of this idea. But then you get your account back and unbanned, and now your username is “User262789” or “OriginallyChosenName262789”

You would be very upset, especially if it was a short username, which i’m pretty sure was the point of that suggestion.

#9 - “copy reddit gold,” by snowsquire.

The most downvoted suggestion. The stupidest suggestion. Who would pay money to give awards or clown awards to somebody. That’s what gifting roles to someone or harassing them is.

And last but not least,

#10 - “add a politics + science section,” by tommy1600.

Let me explain in careful details why this is bad.

Leaked is NOT a U.S. only website by any means. If we had this section, we would hear about so many leaders from other countries that it would get insanely boring extremely fast. Second, who even wants to talk about science on a music leak forum???

11.) "Most messages," by MCMikwy1998

no. this is fucking stupid. chronically online. go find god. get help.

Now, my top 10 has finished, but here’s some runner-ups:

1.) “Invite System,” by ulp.

This would make the site very small, and could’ve shrunk the site by over 50% if put into effect. Luckily, the admins knew this and it did not happen.

2.) Add a separate leaks category for Source Code and whatnot,” by VPGx.

When do we ever get source code? We haven’t even gotten the GTA 5 source code yet. And that’s literally out there.

3.) “Auto lock old posts,” by Neon 999.

This would be stupid because in order to keep a leak in circulation, re-ups need to be requested, or else eventually nobody will have it anymore and the leak is gone.

That’s it for my list, and I hope you agree with my opinions on this. If you don’t, that’s fully okay. But here’s one we should definitely add:

Author of the Month: chosen by whichever article of the month gets the most likes, and the winner gets a month of MVP. Along with a tweaked badge that was originally included in the old post, found here.

Anyways, this was just to get some more content out and work on my writing. Either “How to Market Your Music” will be released next, or “Faces: The Impact of Mac Miller.” I would also like to note that this article was NOT made to slander anybody who made a suggestion.

If you enjoyed reading this, please let me know by telling me in the comments or leaving a like.
Have a good rest of your day.

- shutupant
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