
kanye had a manic attack the night of the event. he didn't know what the fuck he was doing, he was in a state of panic.
My favorite artist is literally psychotic and it FUCKING SUCKS i feel so fucking bad for him i want him to take a break.
majority of the day, kanye was in a constant struggle between himself of what songs to put on the record and what features to record and he was just fucking panicking... he was considering putting out welcome to my life on the setlist but he was constantly going back and forth between "if i put this out it will ruin my life" and "if i don't put this out it will ruin my life" and after the event kanye ripped his mask off, and said "fuck it" and had mike dean do shit to the album.

he also had a mental issue before the week started.

it fucking sucks to say but there's literally a chance kanye ends his life this year FUCK it's hard to say that... it's depressing... and YOU ALL know that

Delete this stupid shit. You have no right to comment on the state of someone else’s well being.
Yes I do retard I’m literally an author it’s my job
if this is a joke then it’s not rly funny but if ur serious u cant rly comment on another persons mental health without atleast knowing them personally
Spoken like a true pussy. I’ll comment on your mental health right now just try me
Because this is the blogs section, not shitposters corner

jackndavidyuhh try to be funny challenge
Wait a minute…. Didn’t you guys….. request bans….. ??????????????
fuck this nigga
I’m white. Try again next time.
Yes I do retard I’m literally an author it’s my job
Reddit hires known pedophiles as admins who get paid $70k+ salaries while they’re grooming kids on the site they moderate. Meanwhile you’re defending a payless author role on a music leak site that you use to shitpost with your life. What a world we live in :yan:
  • cwl
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Front page n all ?
If anyone finds this guys address I will personally fly out and beat this crackers ass on camera
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