A Love Letter To You 5 is the downfall of Trippie Redd's career


Trippie Redd is an artist who has been around for years and is one of the few who made it off SoundCloud. I'm going to write a short timeline about his recent years and why I think his new album, "ALLTY5" is going to be the downfall of Mr. Redd. A lot of this is my opinion, but I know when I hear bad music, so grab some Cheetos and a drink.

"ALLTY 4" (2019) was his last decent album with hits like "The Grinch" and "Death." He executed a love and hip-hop album very well with many great features and production from Pi'erre Bourne, Murda Beatz, Nick Mira, and more.

The music quality would downgrade with the album "Pegasus." (2020) Mixing being awful, random producers, and a bloated 26 songs. Features were there, but really just made it worse. Maybe I'm hating and you like a lot of songs and features. Maybe I am, but then this guy drops a deluxe rock album, "Neon Shark vs Pegasus" no one asked for prod. Travis Barker, making Pegasus a 40-song album. Straight nails on a chalkboard. What the fuck was Mr. Redd thinking about making a deluxe a whole different genre?

Moving on to the next album, "Trip at Knight." (2021) Trippie would change genres again hopping on the rage beats wave. The version released was decent but could've been great. I say this because every beat on TAK would be so similar, that the album would get old quickly. If it wasn't for the hype around "Miss The Rage" with Playboi Carti, this album would've flopped way harder but personally, I thought the album wasn't bad. A pathetic "TAK Complete Version" would release randomly, with ONE song having Drake on it. Seriously, this is stupid asf of Trippie to do when he could've put in more songs fans wanted.

"MANSION MUSIK." (2023) This definitely confirmed Mr. Redd's music decline over the years. The album name references the mixtape "Mansion Musick" by Chief Keef. (Who also ex. produced Trippie's version) Knowing this, you would think it would be similar to Chief Keef's mixtape right? Nope, instead of Glo beats, Trippie 2 years later stayed on rage beats. What was the point of glazing Chief Keef nuts just for every song to be a rage beat? The beat selection was great but mixing was an actual joke. Kind of like Pegasus, both albums had bloated features, with MANSION MUSIK having 21 features. Having so many songs and features can be good but this album was so bad, everyone forgot about it even with so many artists on it.

"A Love Letter To You 5" (2023) I'm gonna summarize this album by using Trippie's own words from an interview. "ALLTY5 is gonna be one the best bodies of music I've ever done." Ironic being one of the worst projects he's dropped. Every song has the same few producers making almost every song sound the same with no variety. This album can BARELY be considered a hip-hop album. The sound is like R&B but too slow and boring making it more of a shitty R&B and Pop album. "I know what my fans want here, I'm gonna give them exactly what they want." Leaving out various songs the fans wanted was a horrible move. If Mr. Redd drops a deluxe he could save himself but he is already disappointing his fans. "I've been working on it for 3-4 years, having music still tucked to the side for this project." Every song on this album was recorded in the past year so this is just another lie. The only songs he "tucked to the side" for the album were ”How You Alive,” “Thinkin Bout You” and "Trip McKnight.” Trip McKnight was already leaked and doesn't fit in with any of the songs on the album. Trippie would also embarrass himself on Instagram writing out paragraphs about him cheating on his girl. (Skye Morales) Hilarious that he ranted about this a few days before the album and let her get two features on the album. After "ALLTY5," I really think from here, that Trippie Redd will continue to be a feature artist and slowly fall off. "Every song on here gotta be crazy cuz if it doesn't, then fuck me, I'm a bitch."

embarrassing numbers considering how big trippie is

he cancelled his whole tour 😭😭
A few years back Trippie Redd made fun of rappers for only selling 30k first week. He only sold 30K first week. 1695156411674.png

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agree sadly and im a big trippie fan

first half of the album sounds the same, second half got better

I feel like it would grow on me tbh. im like the only person I know that really likes pegasus
no way you like pegasus but not 5 bro I literally don't get what you guys are thinking man

on pegasus there are 26 songs that have quite the same sound

5 has a total of 19 songs with around 14-15 love type songs

no way you like pegasus but not 5
no way you like pegasus but not 5 bro I literally don't get what you guys are thinking man

on pegasus there are 26 songs that have quite the same sound

5 has a total of 19 songs with around 14-15 love type songs

no way you like pegasus but not 5
yea but pegasus had variety, it was more than an just an album to me
-tracklist was arranged perfectly
-it has transitions
-(kinda) told a story throughout
I can agree some songs sounded the same but I love them all, those are my kinda vibe

5 felt like a repeat throughout the whole album / nothing new that we haven't seen from trippie
To b

Trippie Redd is an artist who has been around for years and is one of the few who made it off SoundCloud. I'm going to write a short timeline about his recent years and why I think his new album, "ALLTY5" is going to be the downfall of Mr. Redd. A lot of this is my opinion, but I know when I hear bad music, so grab some Cheetos and a drink.

"ALLTY 4" (2019) was his last decent album with hits like "The Grinch" and "Death." He executed a love and hip-hop album very well with many great features and production from Pi'erre Bourne, Murda Beatz, Nick Mira, and more.

The music quality would downgrade with the album "Pegasus." (2020) Mixing being awful, random producers, and a bloated 26 songs. Features were there, but really just made it worse. Maybe I'm hating and you like a lot of songs and features. Maybe I am, but then this guy drops a deluxe rock album, "Neon Shark vs Pegasus" no one asked for prod. Travis Barker, making Pegasus a 40-song album. Straight nails on a chalkboard. What the fuck was Mr. Redd thinking about making a deluxe a whole different genre?

Moving on to the next album, "Trip at Knight." (2021) Trippie would change genres again hopping on the rage beats wave. The version released was decent but could've been great. I say this because every beat on TAK would be so similar, that the album would get old quickly. If it wasn't for the hype around "Miss The Rage" with Playboi Carti, this album would've flopped way harder but personally, I thought the album wasn't bad. A pathetic "TAK Complete Version" would release randomly, with ONE song having Drake on it. Seriously, this is stupid asf of Trippie to do when he could've put in more songs fans wanted.

"MANSION MUSIK." (2023) This definitely confirmed Mr. Redd's music decline over the years. The album name references the mixtape "Mansion Musick" by Chief Keef. (Who also ex. produced Trippie's version) Knowing this, you would think it would be similar to Chief Keef's mixtape right? Nope, instead of Glo beats, Trippie 2 years later stayed on rage beats. What was the point of glazing Chief Keef nuts just for every song to be a rage beat? The beat selection was great but mixing was an actual joke. Kind of like Pegasus, both albums had bloated features, with MANSION MUSIK having 21 features. Having so many songs and features can be good but this album was so bad, everyone forgot about it even with so many artists on it.

"A Love Letter To You 5" (2023) I'm gonna summarize this album by using Trippie's own words from an interview. "ALLTY5 is gonna be one the best bodies of music I've ever done." Ironic being one of the worst projects he's dropped. Every song has the same few producers making almost every song sound the same with no variety. This album can BARELY be considered a hip-hop album. The sound is like R&B but too slow and boring making it more of a shitty R&B and Pop album. "I know what my fans want here, I'm gonna give them exactly what they want." Leaving out various songs the fans wanted was a horrible move. If Mr. Redd drops a deluxe he could save himself but he is already disappointing his fans. "I've been working on it for 3-4 years, having music still tucked to the side for this project." Every song on this album was recorded in the past year so this is just another lie. The only songs he "tucked to the side" for the album were ”How You Alive,” “Thinkin Bout You” and "Trip McKnight.” Trip McKnight was already leaked and doesn't fit in with any of the songs on the album. Trippie would also embarrass himself on Instagram writing out paragraphs about him cheating on his girl. (Skye Morales) Hilarious that he ranted about this a few days before the album and let her get two features on the album. After "ALLTY5," I really think from here, that Trippie Redd will continue to be a feature artist and slowly fall off. "Every song on here gotta be crazy cuz if it doesn't, then fuck me, I'm a bitch."
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embarrassing numbers considering how big trippie is

he cancelled his whole tour 😭😭
A few years back Trippie Redd made fun of rappers for only selling 30k first week. He only sold 30K first week. https://x.com/SaycheeseDGTL/status/1691995384040612102?s=20
-changed article cover :cwl:

To be fair, Trippie had to rush Mansion Music because of leakers, so it wasn’t mixed as well. It could have used some better mixing that’s for sure
if carti was there for that album it would of been a ok-ish album
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Исторические этюды русской жизни. Том 3. Язвы Петербурга (1886).djvu/3/II
Успокаивая сердцебиение, я стоял над упавшим, думая о том, что должно было наверняка произойти: через некоторое время в вестибюле Хроноцентра на мраморной доске под надписью «Иван Антонович Пшеничный» было бы выгравировано мое скромное имя. У женщин была либо девичья коса, либо платок после замужества - простоволосые девицы всегда вызывали некоторое подозрение. Итак: убью его, она останется в живых, я… Итак: убью его, ее оставлю жить, сам иду под суд. Ломовой извозчик пытался втолкнуть бревно на верх телеги, но, увидев гневно смотрящую на него женщину, явно заробел, уронил его, чуть-чуть не перебив себе ноги, сорвал шапчонку и низко поклонился. В одной только Москве в настоящее время существует не один десяток подобных коммерческих служб, имеющих общее негласное название «муж на час» и объединяющих в себе домашних мастеров на все руки. Появившаяся более двух десятилетий тому назад услуга «муж на час» из-за некоторой двусмысленности своего названия довольно быстро стала называться слегка по-новому - «мастер на час».
В заключение обзора фактов семейного разброда, происходящего от жестокого обращения, нельзя не упомянуть, что бывают случаи, - конечно, редкие и исключительные, - где виновными являются не мужья, а жены. Симпатии суда, публики и прессы будут, конечно, на моей стороне… Независимость эта простирается даже до того, что, напр. замужние женщины, конечно, в большинстве «разъехавшиеся» со своими мужьями, составляют весьма ощутительный процент в группе профессиональных, клейменых проституток (таковых около 10% в общей цифре сосчитанных петербургских жертв общественного темперамента). Дела эти разбираются у мировых судей, которые обыкновенно стараются привести стороны к полюбовному соглашению, являющемуся, конечно, в подобных тяжбах совершенно фиктивным. Что ж, это идея. Что касается самоубийц, то, мсье, я не знаю лучшей системы… Что за услуга муж на час? Ориентировочные расценки на услуги Мужа на час в Санкт-Петербурге (СПб) и Ленинградской области приведены в материале ниже. В данной ситуации, самым лучшим выходом будет обратиться в организацию муж на час Одинцово. В таких случаях на помощь приходит услуга "муж на час" от компании Мастер Плюс.
Полезная услуга пригодится в разных ситуациях. Компания уже установила более 230 фирменных стоек в разных регионах. Это для такой нервной натуры, как она, гораздо мучительнее смерти… Это тот человек, с которым ты говорил у подъезда, с которым ты ушел в дом. В другом случае, между двумя знакомцами вышел спор из-за долга, и тоже при свидетелях; должник заявил, что он не хочет принесть долга на дом к кредитору. В таком случае, мсье, я предложу вам другой системы, подешевле. Для этого вам необходимо отправить заявку. Для этого потребуются швейная машина, ножницы, иглы, ленточный раскройный нож, материалы и наполнитель. Пущай она, господин судья, покажет плешину на голове, с того самого места, с которого я, будто бы, вырвал у неё волосы… И он представил себе свои похороны: он, оскорбленный, лежит в гробу, с кроткой улыбкой на устах, а она, бледная, замученная угрызениями совести, идет за гробом, как Ниобея, и не знает, куда деваться от уничтожающих презрительных взглядов, какие бросает на нее возмущенная толпа… Сам уже не молодой, он женился на восемнадцатилетней девушке и стал её беспощадно ревновать. Вот английские новой системы, недавно только получены, - болтал он. Значительно меньшее число таких случаев в рассматриваемой области семейного разброда является там, где свобода от супружеских обязательств и - всего главнее - от обязанности сожительства в брачной паре окупается довольно чувствительно, в особенности для мужа, тем более, если он является инициатором семейного разрыва.
В среднем исполнители работают по цене 800 рублей за час. На сегодняшний день, услуга муж на час приобретает все большую популярность. Услуга «срочно муж на час» не подразумевает доплаты за выезд специалиста и будет предоставлена в короткие сроки. Я - муж и, по закону, волен делать с женой и детьми, что хочу! Проснувшийся Отелло, не найдя жены за фортепьяно, бросился её искать и, почему-то, прежде всего на сеновале, откуда и спугнул какого-то подозрительного молодого человека. Выбежав на улицу, преследуемая по пятам мужем, она скрылась в мелочную лавочку; тот ворвался и в лавочку, из которой жена выскочила через черный ход услуга муж на час на двор и, видя, что погоня не отстает, снова кинулась на улицу. Двадцать раз до полного бритого доходила очередь тасовать, и двадцать раз его сосед хладнокровно брал колоду и, разговаривая об урожае прошлого года или о приезжей бродячей труппе - тасовал и передавал полному бритому с легким полупоклоном. Так это раз и случилось. ». Интересно, что о соблазнителе несчастной, насладившемся адюльтером, под выше изображенной и на этот раз слишком уже красноречивой вывеской, в репортерском рассказе нет ни слова. «ни под каким видом несогласна». Как уживаются под одной кровлей, после таких тяжб, неполадившие супруги - это уж один Бог знает!
Here to say it absolutely was, I don't know what this Russo-Ukrainian f*g is saying but I hope both countries get raped to death and nuke eachother. I really couldn't care less, Putin needs to take over this sweaty little piece of shit country and stop playing the long game.
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