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Comfortable Member
System Administrator
Jan 27, 2021
Forum Rules:
  1. Treat other users with respect. Not everybody will have the same opinions as you.
  2. No self-promotion except where applicable.
  3. No purposefully creating threads in the wrong section.
  4. No misleading titles, especially in leak sections.
  5. No LQ in "Leaks" Sections.
  6. No bumping dead threads for no important reason.
  7. No soliciting or asking for like / replies (however saying "like and reply if you appreciate it!" is acceptable)
  8. No "asking"/begging for something outside of a specifically designated request section.
  9. No nazi or racist comments.
  10. No minimodding.
  11. No clickbait.
  12. No impersonating LEAKED.CX staff including offsite.
  13. No impersonating other members.
  14. No changing a staff member's quote in a post.
  15. No ban evasion.
  16. No NSFW content.
  17. No posting spoilers to entertainment media without using spoiler tags and an appropriate warning.
  18. No posting personal information of a LEAKED.CX user, even if they are a scammer or a banned user.
  19. Don't sell phone numbers or emails. We can't prove that they belong to who you say they do, nor do we want to moderate that.
  20. Use common sense. Just because something isn't listed on the rules doesn't mean it's allowed. Staff always have final say.
  21. Do not beg other users to leak their music; it's ultimately their choice.
  22. No "Alts/Alternate" accounts are allowed, any users with multiple accounts will be banned.
  23. Do not spam statuses.
  24. Do not link to external marketplaces.
  25. No copyrighted/released music, including in Other Media section.
  26. The staff are ALWAYS right.
  27. No "Semetary" (Or affiliates) Discussion.
Marketplace Rules:

  1. No scamming of any kind.
  2. No posting derogatory remarks regarding in any seller thread. Keep it informative and neutral.
  3. Vouching (saying that a seller is legit) for a seller is allowed as long as you've done business with the seller and they aren't just your friend.
  4. No selling of misleading songs (fake edits, snippets etc)
  5. No bumping your own sales thread more than once every 24 hours from your last bump.
  6. No use of staff or staff promotion in thread title and content.
  7. Buying/Selling/Trading is ONLY allowed in the Marketplace section.
  8. No PMing users to buy your music if you aren't verified.
  9. Only people with Verified rank can post threads in the Verified Selling/Trading section.
  10. Verify your music if it is worth $150+ and/or is a bigger artist
  11. No selling beats or "lost songs" (aka songs that were deleted off an artists soundcloud and are hard to find)
File Hoster Rules:
We have published a strict file hoster list. Here you can see the current file hoster list and this rule must be followed:

Violation of any of these rules can result in either a warning, temporary ban, or permanent ban depending on severity of the infraction and how many infractions one has. 3 warnings results in a 1 week ban. 15 warnings within a year of each other result in a permanent ban.

Terms of Service:
Material from LEAKED.CX may not be copied or distributed, or republished, uploaded, posted, or transmitted in any way, without the prior written consent of it's author.
The messages and files on this site are posted for educational purposes. If you do post any message or files, they are only permitted to be posted for educational purposes. If your content or files are not meant for educational purposes you aren't permitted to post them.
All messages and files express the views of the author, and neither the owners or staff of LEAKED.CX will be held responsible for any content.

None of the files shown here are actually hosted or transmitted by this server. The links are provided solely by this site's users. The site moderation is also a service provided by the site's users. The administrator of this site ( cannot be held responsible for what its users post, or any other actions of its users. You may not use this site to distribute or download any material when you do not have the legal rights to do so. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms.

Although the administrators and moderators of LEAKED.CX will attempt to keep all objectionable content off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all content.

While we aren't perfect, we do try to maintain a strict order. If you feel you have been unfairly banned or infracted, create a dispute in the dispute section. Any inquiries should be made here:

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or relating to 'doxing'. You also agree that once you create your account, it cannot or will not be deleted unless a high staff member believes that the account should be deleted.
By signing up you agree to all the rules above and are held accountable.

The owners and staff of LEAKED.CX reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any content for any reason.
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